About TAGTech
Talal Abu-Ghazaleh for Technologies (TAGTech) fa parte del gruppo societario Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Global fondata da HE Dr. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh. La società è nata dalla Sua necessità di creare una realtà in grado di adottare le ultime tecnologie e creare prodotti validi con prezzi alla portata di tutti.
TAGTech è speciallizata nello sviluppo, nel design e nella produzione di prodotti tecnologici per uso personale e di business.
Utilizza anche tu il nostro TAGITOP PLUS II , TAGPHONE Special e TAG-TAB III che ti permetteranno di avere la migliore tecnologia tra le tue mani, a prezzi davvero competitivi.


Empower citizens with affordable top-of-the-line devices for professional, educational or basic use.

Help advance development and spread benefits of ICT and provide information and knowledge resources for increased ICT literacy.

Enhance accessibility: facilitate easy and quick access to rich information resources including ICT systems and services, computing resources, online learning materials, e-Learning, etc.

Support E-Learning: encourage the use of E-Learning and adoption of its tools and technologies to facilitate widening access to learning and improvement in educational achievements

Promote lifelong learning: develop a framework for web-enabled lifelong learning through continuous education and training

Foster research and development: promote an innovative culture and encourage applied research and development interaction among communities

Enhance sharing and dissemination: share and disseminate accumulated knowledge and information resources for skilled ICT workforce

Support sustainability: maintain a constant pace of production and development to sustain the delivery of laptop computing and the ability to reproduce knowledge through a continuous effort to build up the ICT skills of communities and societies

Promote increased use Promote increased use of ICT technology and knowledge for increased computer literacy and effectiveness of ICT in society.

Facilitate dissemination of knowledge in ICT skills, resources, services and their successful use in education among all sectors of societies.